The newspaper in English
HOUESVILLE. Its creator is calling for sponsors!
A crocheted tapestry project for the 80th
The creator of a major crochet & knitting project for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings is appealing to sponsors to help her finance an 80m long tapestry which will be in the Notre Dame church in Carentan for June 6, 2024.
Tansy Forster, resident of Houesville, near Carentan, wanted to create something memorable to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landings which will take place next year. A few months ago, she conceived the idea of making a memorial of the events of June 6, 1944, but in crochet and knitting, inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry. There will be 80 panels, each one representing an important scene from D-Day. The scenes depicted are taken from original photos of the time, or from the film “Le Jour Le Plus Long” (The Longest Day), which also inspired the name of the project.
Mrs. Forster created an association “The Longest Yarn” (in English yarn is a word for wool to crochet or knitting).
On her Facebook page “Knit/crochet The Longest Day for 80th Anniversary” she already has more than 1000 followers, and women participating in the project from all over the world – but not yet in France. “I have a lot of Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, British, Americans in Europe – but only one French woman! » explains Tansy.
She already has the support of the mayor of Carentan, Jean Pierre L'Honneur, who has committed to finding a place to exhibit the work and who has proposed the Notre Dame church.
The deputy mayor of Houesville, Michel Jean, is also involved. The town is in the process of providing a house as a workshop: "It's a very good idea, we are very satisfied with Mrs. Forster's determination, we will lend her the old presbytery, we are in the process of helping her as best we can,” he said, giving Mme Forster the keys to the building.
A panel 1m long, 50cm wide with a maximum height of 55cm. To hide the tables on which the panels will be mounted there will also be a skirt -161 m long, made with flowers traditionally associated with remembrance – red poppies, cornflowers and white daisies.
“It's a huge project, and I've already received some incredible panels, there's some sensational, very detailed work and now we need help with the costs of putting up the 'tapestry' in the church, the transport costs, construction of plexiglass protection etc” she explains.
A crossing offered by Brittany Ferries.
Isigny Ste Mere are already on board. Tansy had the idea to offer them a scene relevant to their product “They are sponsoring a panel with a parachutist in a tree in a field full of cows! So, for example a mechanic can sponsor a panel with vehicles, or local businesses can sponsor a panel near their premises.”
Brittany Ferries offered a free crossing because there will be much equipment to be imported from England. Mike, Tansy’s husband, has already driven there and back several times to pick some up. In the next months, there will be more.
The unveiling of the tapestry will take place on May 28 in the church at Carentan and will be shown until September, hoping to find a permanent place of display afterwards.
If you can help the project or want to participate– check out the Knit/Crochet The Longest Day for 80th Anniversary Facebook page and the website www.thelongestyarn.com.
France 3
Insolite. Pour le 80e anniversaire du D-Day, elle fabrique une fresque de 80 mètres en tricot
BBC clip by John McGuire

Finally the majority of the work is here thanks to Big G Logistics and Brittany Ferries!